Since hemorrhoids is such a common condition for many Americans these days, it is important to know what the steps are to prevent them. While even with the best prevention techniques, there is still a chance that a person may get the condition, but there are a few considerations to keep in mind which will help reduce that chance.
1. Be sure that you are getting enough bulk in your diet in the form of fiber. While some may choose to use fiber supplements to achieve this, getting the fiber from fresh foods like fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy whole grains is going to give the best results.
2. Avoid certain types of drinks that are not beneficial to your overall health, as well as causing hemorrhoid conditions. Those types of drinks include excessive alcohol, too much caffeine containing drinks, and various types of soda pops. Diet colas can be especially harsh to your system.
3. Getting the recommended amount of water every day is key. It is very important to many of the body's functions that there is enough water drunk daily. The usual amount is eight 8 oz. glasses per day. Those who are obese will need to drink more in order to get the most benefits.
4. Keeping up with daily activity can go a long way to help prevent hemorrhoids. Thirty minutes of some type of physical exercise can really help to tone and strengthen the body, including the anus and rectal areas. Regular exercise also helps your digestive system to work better, helping the body to eliminate wastes more efficiently.
5. Do not attempt to lift very heavy objects on your own. Not only do you risk injuring your back or other parts of the body, you can also be inviting hemorrhoids. When the body is under the pressure of trying to lift a heavy object, that pressure can make the veins in the rectal area bulge and become swollen.
6. Keeping the anal area clean is key to preventing hemorrhoids. If proper hygiene by consistent washing of the anal area is not maintained, it can lead to the tissue becoming irritated. This can also occur by wiping to harshly with dry tissue. Another factor to this is to change undergarments frequently, and also wearing clean and loose cotton garments.
7. Maintaining a proper weight can help to stop one from getting hemorrhoids since being obese can be a major factor. Not only will being obese make it difficult for a person to make sure that their anal area is clean, but the extra weight will put pressure on the veins and tissues causing the condition.
8. Let nature take its course when going to the bathroom. If a person is straining to push the movement, then it can cause a great amount of pressure on all of the tissues and veins in the area. This can directly relate to the swelling and pain associated with hemorrhoids.
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1 year ago