Cold sores are common and although some may claim them to be trivial, I would argue that for the sufferer they are far from trivial. Cold sores are actually caused by a viral infection that attacks the skin and nervous system, hence why I do not believe it is a trivial condition, and although they are only small, they are in fact very painful fluid-filled blisters that appear around the mouth or nose. One of the big things to be aware of is that cold sores are highly contagious, so if you have a cold sore, please be very careful as it is very easy to infect another person. To avoid contaminating someone else you need to avoid certain things such as kissing and sharing cups, towels or other things. Also you must wash your hands after touching the sores as they be spread to another person via your hands too.
HSV-1, which is the most common type, usually causes cold sores (oral herpes). HSV-2 usually causes genital herpes. HSV1 can also be transferred to the genitals through oral pleasure. In the same way, HSV2 can be transferred to the mouth. However, it is possible to have a HSV-1 infection below the waist and vice versa. HSV-1 oral infections are more likely to repetitively re-occur as cold sores than HSV-2 caused infections.
Medications from a doctor can help cold sores clear up faster, but they will not prevent new outbreaks from occurring, as unfortunately once you have contracted the virus you have it for life. Medicines are sometimes prescribed but they are mainly for pain relief more than anything else.
Of course there are many different kinds of treatments available over the counter these days, which may include skin creams, ointments, or sometimes pills. Treatment may get rid of the cold sores, but it will only be 1 to 2 days faster than without using any kind of treatment, but as mentioned previously, it can also help ease painful blisters or other uncomfortable symptoms. But on the whole your cold sore is going to last for the duration.
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However, there are pressing claims now for natural treatments, some of which claim to be able to get rid of cold sores in 3 days or so, and although you will always have the condition, these natural treatments claim to be able to help you control the virus so that you no longer have to suffer outbreaks. You can find out more about these treatments at where these claims are reviewed in more detail.
1 year ago