Beautiful hair has always been a cause of envy. Not only does it enhances our personality but at the same time has drawn the attention of others. We use various hair products to keep our hair healthy as well as beautiful. Hair loss which refers to the thinning of hair especially from the scalp area has become a matter of concern. Millions of people are affected by hair loss; men specially are prone to hair loss than women. Hair loss may also be termed as androgenetic alopecia and may be localized or diffused. This is a hereditary problem.
Loss of about fifty to hundred strands a day is normal .Excessive hair loss results in baldness. Severe hair loss results in loss of self esteem, confidence & self identity. Numerous reasons could be quoted for excessive hair loss for e.g. long term of an illness or hormonal problems like over and under secretions of hormone thyroxine from the thyroid gland or an imbalance in male and female hormones like androgen & estrogen. Women might experience hair loss post pregnancy due to loss of certain hormones which are retained during pregnancy. At times, medication for serious ailments like cancer, depression etc might result in hair loss because of presence of blood thinners called anticoagulants. Fungal infection may also be a cause for hair loss. Improper hair care & styling like making use of tight hair rollers, coloring, bleaching, perming or wearing tight pigtails for a long time creates a tension on the scalp of the hair which further might cause hair loss.
Poor nutrition can also lead to hair loss as the body remains devoid of essential nutrients like vitamins, proteins, minerals to promote hair growth. For temporary hair loss which may be due to poor nutrition or stress, various treatments are available but there is almost no cure for permanent hair loss .On consultation a doctor might query you regarding your health as well as your family's medical history . He/she will also check your scalp and may take some samples for biopsy. On ascertaining the particular reason for hair loss, may it be due to medication, hormonal imbalance etc; the doctor would go for the requisite treatment. Certain extracts like memoxidil are also recommended to both men as well as women for early hair growth.
To prevent hair loss, proper hair care should be taken. Proper treatment for hormonal imbalance, proper medication along with a balanced diet could prevent hair loss. Hair transplantation technique which proved to be a ray of hope for those facing baldness, has also improved manifold from past several years.
About the Author offers hair loss treatment and solution for hair loss victims. Hair Loss problems have become common problems for male and female. Women Hair Loss problem has become common concern nowadays.
1 year ago