Monday, March 31, 2008

What Are A Few Of The Usual Causes Of A Headache?

Thinking about the the various types of headaches and headache sufferers it should not be surprising that the causes are equally diverse. There are countless possible causes for headaches including medical problems like the fortunately rare instances of brain tumors or cerebral aneurysms. But the most commonly experienced headaches also have generally common causes.

In a lot of instances simple eyestrain such as that seen when working too long at the computer can lead to a headache. In other cases, ordinary a sinus infection resulting from a head cold or allergy can be the cause. Taking certain medications can also produce a headache.

Although the exact cause is not known in every instance, constriction of the blood vessels is also believed to be the culprit in many cases. Pain sensitive nerve fibers in the head line the walls of the blood vessels and when the blood vessels contract the nerves send signals to the brain. paradoxically, the brain itself cannot feel pain because it does not contain any pain sensitive nerve cells and tension-type or cluster headaches result.

But your blood vessels are able to dilate as well as contract and when they do so one theory at least holds that migraines and cluster headaches can be the result. Present research proposes that there are also several other far more important factors at play when it comes to migraines.

Tension or more accurately tension-type headaches can arise from other sources like tension in the muscles of the neck, shoulder and even the jaw. Those who have suffered from TMJ disorder which is a condition caused by tension of the temporomandibular joint causing the jaw to tighten against the skull are all too familiar with this.

In serious cases headaches may be produced by some underlying disease and these are usually called 'secondary headaches'. The list of conditions this can cause headaches is lengthy and will include everything from scarlet fever to irritable bowel syndrome.

Often environmental factors also play a significant part. Carbon monoxide poisoning such as that resulting from the gas produced by an automobile exhaust or many water heaters can produce severe headaches and indeed headaches are one of the prime symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. Other causes include allergies, lead poisoning and food poisoning.

Even when food is not actually toxic as would be the case where food is contaminated with a bacterial infection certain people may be sensitive to compounds which will not affect the general population. Such common foods as cheese and chocolate can cause headaches in some people as will certain preservatives, caffeine and red wine.

But position, posture and a variety of other controllable factors can also be amongst the most common causes. As an increasing number of people are working with computers on a daily basis so we are seeing more eyestrain, jaw stress and neck tension.

Almost nine out of ten headaches are common tension headaches that are usually the result of one or more of the factors detailed above. In other words in the vast majority of cases the cure for your headache is simple and within your control.

About the Author provides a wide range of information about headaches including cluster headaches and migraine headaches

End Glaucoma Suffering!

Eye diseases are becoming more prevalent and statistics indicate that the percentage of sufferers is still on the rise. The only proven method for treatment of glaucoma is reduction of pressure in the eyes. Therefore, all treatments are designed to reduce the level of intraocular pressure. This goal can be achieved by a variety of means including eye drops, tablets, laser treatments and surgery. In order to protect your vision, it is necessary to seek treatment if you have any symptoms of glaucoma, in case the loss of vision gets worse.

Symptoms of glaucoma

Even if you display no symptoms of glaucoma, there is still a possibility that you have it. There have been numerous such cases, where people are suffering from the condition without showing any signs of it. Glaucoma is a result of high pressure in eyes, but how does this come about? The condition occurs when the draining and producing of fluid in the eye is out of balance. When the eye produces too much fluid, or fluid cannot drain out, eye pressure will rise and glaucoma will strike. The tougher the pressure is, the severer the glaucoma would become. Even if you only experience low pressure, if you don't seek glaucoma treatment, the pressure may become uncontrollable and you may would gradually lose your vision if not treated in a timely way.

Types of glaucoma treatments

Even for some who do not have vision problems, it may necessary to be tested for glaucoma as the condition can become worse without being noticed. Take precautions to prevent it, especially as you age or if glaucoma is in your family. A certain kind of diet matched with glaucoma prevention might be what you need.

Most glaucoma treatments aim to reduce the pressure in the eyes. You can choose your proper treatment by consulting with your doctor. Usually eye drops are the first choice over other treatments, and they have been proven effective in reducing eye pressure. Actually you may be prescribed more than one kind of eye drop, and using multiple types can enhance the treatment, according to research.. Eye drops act two ways: one way is to reduce the amount of fluid produced in the eyes; the other is to open the drainage channels to let the excess liquid drain away. The two ways are different in approach but equally satisfactory in result. These kind of treatments would work for those with slight glaucoma, but if they don't, you would probably be advised to undergo laser treatment or surgery. In terms of laser treatment, different technologies are used according to individual needs. And don't forget about natural eye healthy practices. Diest containing lots of fruits and vegetables may be effective in easing glaucoma. Likewise, food abundant in vitamin C is a helpful for the natural treatment of glaucoma.

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Mitamins team

Glaucoma - Find Authoritative Natural Treatment Information, Plus Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements for Supporting Glaucoma Treatment, Symptoms, Causes.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Some Truths About Asbestos Lung Mesothelioma

There are various types of mesothelioma but asbestos lung mesothelioma is an asbestos-induced cancer of the mesothelium of the lung, more familiarly known as the pleura, which is the external lining of the lung.

Many of the major organs of the body have a mesothelium, that of the heart being called the pericardium and of the heart the peritoneum. However, it is with the pleura that we are concerned here, and the symptoms of asbestos lung mesothelioma are what you would expect: coughing, discomfort in the chest cavity and eventual pain.

Before we come to possible treatments and palliative care, lets have a look at what causes it and why we are still seeing new cases today after asbestos was banned for construction use in the 1970s.

Asbestos comes in several forms, the most dangerous thought to be crocidolite, commonly known as blue asbestos. This form of asbestos is in a highly fibrous form, and it is the inhalation and ingestion of these fibers that cause the problem. They tend to remain in the body for a considerable period of time and it can take up to 40 - 45 years before the symptoms of mesothelioma begin to appear, though some people contract it in their 30s.

To complicate the situation, it is not only asbestos that causes the symptoms, but any fibrous silicate, which it is why some compensation cases are not as cut and dry as they could be. To add to this complication, smoking adds to the possibility of cancer and it is argued that many patients would not have contracted mesothelioma had they not smoked.

This is not only an argument made by solicitors in court, but has been established by statistics. It is pretty certain that smokers have a greater tendency of contracting asbestos lung mesothelioma than non-smokers, since attorneys for the employers have used this as a reason for having the otherwise high compensation significantly reduced.

There is a popular misconception that mesothelioma is caused by asbestos, but it is just a misconception. Lung cancer is mesothelioma, and in the USA 80% of mesothelioma cases are caused by smoking. That is an indisputable fact. In order to prove the intervention of asbestos in a case, therefore, not only would the patients have to prove that they had worked with asbestos, but also not to have smoked. Had they smoked, then the award could be greatly reduced.

The term asbestos lung mesothelioma is therefore a correct one because that form of the disease to which we are referring is caused by asbestos, and not smoking, is of the pleura of the lung and not of the pericardium or peritoneum, and is mesothelioma.

Its treatment is largely palliative, or intended to ease suffering, because the prognosis is fairly grim. Only about 20% of cases live to 5 years after diagnosis, with most surviving only one year, though much depends on how far the condition had developed by the time it was diagnosed. Chemotherapy and radiation treatment are used, but not successfully, and various degrees of surgery are also used. Removal of the affected lung, pericardium and half the diaphragm is the most major of these, and even that only extends life to a maximum of around five years from diagnosis.

There are new treatments being tested, but all treatment is expensive, and a good attorney is likely necessary to secure the compensation to pay for these. Ultimately hospice care will be required and again compensation money should be kept back for this. Ultimately, in spite of all the treatment given, it is palliative care that will make the last days of the patient bearable, as will the help and support of the family, and this is what compensation can fund.

About the Author

More information on this disease can be obtained from Peter's webpage Asbestos Lung Mesothelioma where more detail is given of possible treatment.

Acne Treats And Its Main 3 Categories

For most of us that take pride in the way we look, the thought of suffering with acne or Zits may at first seem awful. But there are now many treatments available which can help to make it more bearable. Scientific research into this area is intense. The acne skin care products available fall into these categories: - Internet or drugstore: Over the counter treatments - Internet or drugstore: Treatments that do not require a prescription - Specialized, on-prescription acne products

General acne products are used as a preventative measure and include cleansers, make-up removers and other similar products that can help prevent acne. Whilst many sufferers use these products there are even more people who just want to keep their skin clean and conditioned.

There are acne skin care products that are more specialized in their approach and are formulated to reduce and limit the amount of oil in the pores of our skin. These products prevent the oil from getting trapped in pores and can hamper the growth of bacteria.

One particular skin care treatment is an exfoliation skin peel which cleans the skin and helps control the spread of the condition. The peels clean the skin by removing all surface pollution and dead skin cells which can block the pores.

There is a huge market for these types of acne skin care products as they do not require a consultation with a dermatologist. Skin care products have been formulated to extract the excess oil that bacteria need to develop acne. These products have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as ingredients which the bacterium reacts badly too.

You should start with a product that has lower concentration of benzoyl peroxide (e.g. 5%) and see how your skin responds. Alpha-hydroxy-acid based moisturizers are also popular as a skin care regime. It might just be a case of trial and error. If nothing seems to work speak to your dermatologist for any advice or try a different acne skin care product.

Products that your dermatologist or doctor will recommend will only be available on prescription, they may include antibiotics or topical ointments. In some case your doctor may suggest the pustules are drained of harmful contents under local anesthetic. This is a minor procedure which if carried out by yourself could result in skin damage.

An alternative that has been shown to work well is hormone therapy. Studies have shown that acne and skin care treatments that are hormone based have proven to be effective in many cases. There is no longer any reason to despair if you have this skin complaint. Science has produced many effective treatments.

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Find more free info on acne home remedy treats at

A Peek at the Damage Insomnia Causes

Insomnia affects a large percentage of the population throughout the world. It leads to a number of health problems as well as psychological problems. Lack of adequate sleep often results in weight gain, stress, slurred speech, impaired thinking, depression and many other health issues. This article deals with the various types of Insomnia causes along with how they affect the general population.

One of the types of insomnia is sleep state misconception. In this type of problem, people who doze adequately feel that they do not have enough. Another type of this problem is psycho physiological insomnia. This type of insomnia encourages one to lie on the bed for a long time but find it difficult to fall asleep. This problem happens when the person is too distressed psychologically. He is unable to overcome his stress inducing issues and thinks about it to such an extent that he fails to get enough rest.

Yet another type of insomnia is obstructive sleep apnea in which the airway collapses while the patient is sound asleep. This causes people to wake up early in the morning and find it difficult to fall asleep again. It also leads to daytime sleepiness. Some people suffer from insomnia on staying in places that are at high altitude. The lack of adequate oxygen can aggravate the issue. Pilots and flight crews often suffer from this issue. A new and stressful situation like a new job or exams may lead to temporary sleeplessness. Once the person gets used to the new environment, he is usually able to sleep properly again. Then there is certain medication that could lead to this problem as an undesirable side effect. Therefore, you must consult your doctor before purchasing any over the counter medicines with stimulants. People who need alcohol to fall asleep may suffer from insomnia when they do not take it. Certain toxins can cause wakefulness too.

Children may also suffer from restlessness if parents do not enforce a fixed bedtime schedule for them. Other insomnia causes among children are food allergies and lack of the usual cues like a song, story or pacifier to enable them to fall asleep. Disruption in sleeping and waking cycle like in a jet lag could lead to transient insomnia. People who work alternate shifts may also suffer from this condition due to fluctuations in sleep wake schedule. Some people are able to fall asleep after midnight, usually after 2 AM. Thus, they miss the daily 8 hours of sleep and feel tired. Leg cramps while sleeping troubles a number of people who wake up due to the pain in leg and are unable to fall asleep again.

About the Author

We provide information on the facts about insomnia along with information on sleep deprivation effects and other sleeping disorders. by D. Karlson